Optimize the number of subscriptions with Push4site and the percentage of clicks on notifications - Push4site user research.

Optimize the number of subscriptions with Push4site and the percentage of clicks on notifications - Push4site user research.

Statistics of push notifications at a glance

The number of subscribers – 150

The average click-through rate for push-notifications – 11.29%

The highest percentage of clicks – 18.18%

Result: the number of page views of the site increased when using push notifications

The last few weeks we sent you push notifications (and letters), reporting on our new features. If you missed something, here's a quick overview of all the newly added functions:

Quick unsubscribe button and welcome notifications

Firefox support

Every time someone from the Push4site team communicates with you, it turns out that we are missing something important - examples and cases.

Michael has Push4site free account (a free account allows you to send out notifications to five hundred subscribers without any restrictions on the number and duration of use). To date, he has sent more than 20 notifications with the click-through rate of 4% -18%.

The music blog that Michael has been leading for more than 5 years. On Twitter, he has more than 60 thousand subscribers. In addition, he has an active list of e-mail addresses he regularly sends information about updates.

But both Twitter and mail have their limitations - according to the Meetedgar blog, only 46% of users visit Twitter at least once a day, and half of the tweets appear within the first 24 minutes after publication. For e-mail, according to MailChimp, the average click-through rate varies between 2% and 5%. Therefore, Mikhail began to look for a new platform for effective communication with his audience.

He found Push4site and decided to create a free account. Now he has slightly more than 150 subscribers for Push4site. The best level of clicks was 18.18% and the average level is kept at 11.29%. In each of his notifications, he uses the UTM parameters on the destination URL page to track the performance of his subscribers in Google Analytics. I asked if the indicators would be better if they used the same scheme as other communication platforms, and he replied: "I saw that notifications work better in terms of the level of leaving the page (below), the pages viewed per session and the duration of the session (both indicators are higher). People are slightly more responsive to the content of push notifications."

To optimize CTR notifications, he uses different images for each notification. Michael adds: "I recently started changing the logo in my notifications to reflect the content of the article that I share. I really care for this idea, but I do not have enough material yet. "

The editorial calendar is responsible for the frequency of notifications. Mikhail added: "We post 3 to 5 times a week. In those days when we do not publish anything new, I began to share never-boring content. " Here are a few points that I suggested to Michael to increase the level of subscriptions and clicks:

Since his site is on HTTPS, and push notification technology was initially available for secure websites, I offered him to use the Chrome and Firefox implementation codes offered by Push4site. They allow recruiting subscribers right on the site, without the need to open the Push4site subdomain, which reduces the number of clicks, and thereby eliminates the delay between the first and second links. Therefore, the level of subscriptions can increase.

If he decides to continue using http, I would offer him to configure the subscription notification, and see if this could increase the number of subscriptions. Here is what the current permissive window looks like on his website:

To increase the number of clicks, I advised him 3 things:

To add a clear "call to action" in the notifications. Some of his notifications contain a "call to action", for example: "subscribe", "read", "look". Some are similar to ads without an obvious active verb for users.

To add the "Click" button in the notifications. Since the technology of push notifications for sites is completely new, many of users intuitively do not realize that the notifications are clickable. The "Click" button shows users that this is an interactive notification, moreover, it provides a clear CTA.

Michael can also track, in his analytic account, the time when the audience is most active and set up notification distribution for this time.

Toward the end of the interview, I asked Mikhail why he chose Push4site? Here is the answer: "Because push notifications are an exciting new channel of communication! We are very active in social networks, but there is a lot of extras. And push notifications are a space where you can still attract the attention of subscribers. Seeing the CTR of 18%, I realized that this is a good offer.

The most interesting thing is that I can immediately send a direct message to the user right to the screen. It's as simple as e-mail, but with the legitimacy provided by Chrome: it looks like a system notification, but does not look like spam.

Another pro is that you do not have to worry about platform compatibility. The format is very simple (image, title, link) and securely portable».

If you have any thoughts about this briefcase, write them in the comments below and let me know. If you are an active Push4site user and would like to share your experience of using Push4site in our blog, please write to us.