Browser messages are a new channel of communication with the target audience of your site.
Meet: Push - are short messages that come right to a desktop even when the browser is turned off. The technology works on all modern browsers and even on mobile Android devices!
Each message contains title, text (maximum 125 symbols in Cyrillic), image and link. Browser Push notifications upgrade your communication with visitors of your site.

If you need browser push-notifications?
Well, we all know the importance of driving traffic to sites. More traffic - more views, more additions to the shopping cart, more sales. The logic is simple and understandable.
To achieve the goal and increase sales, we use various strategies and channels to do this - AdWords, social networks campaigns, SEO-optimization. But everyone sometimes thinks: if all the investments of time and money worthy for the attracting traffic? According to common sense, many decide that, in addition to attracting new traffic, it's also good to think about using more efficient existing way.
This is where the browser distribution is indispensable.
Browser notifications allow:
- To reduce the cost of sms and email marketing;
- To form a user base you can communicate with, without knowing their phones and mail addresses;
- To launch advertising campaigns immediately;
- To collect subscribers from different sites and landings for the latest promotions in other sites;
- To segment the audience by geo-tag and interests;
- To send out notifications with a limited lifetime;
- To start an online loyalty program for site visitors!
Let’s start.
Setting notifications to your site takes only 10 minutes.
It's really easy:
- Create an account on;
- Add your site in your personal cabinet;
- Install 1 line of code on your site.
Now, every new visitor will see a request to receive notifications.

By clicking "Enable", the user will receive your notifications.
Does your restaurant have news? Share them! Do you hold closed events? Invite subscribers! New menu? Of course, tell about it!

Your messages will come right to a desktop or mobile device, even if your browser is turned off!

When click on a message, your guest will instantly go to the landing page you specified when creating the message.

Browser messages have many advantages over other channels of communication with the audience.
- Communication with the user in real time. With push notifications, you do not need to wait for the user to open the incoming email. The notification appears right on a desktop. Everything is happening here and now. Do not forget about it! After all, different notifications work at different times of the day. Are you sending promotional information? Do this in the mornings / evenings, when subscribers can think things over. Are your notices funny and amusing? Act in the afternoon, when you can share jokes in the office.
- Notifications reach the user everywhere on the Internet. Push notifications are delivered directly to the browser. And you can send them, even if the user is not on your site at the moment.
- If the audience of users have smartphones without a mobile application, Push-notifications are delivered straight to smartphones from all the sites. You can conquer the audience of mobile devices users without the investment in a mobile application.
- Increase the number of responses. With push-notifications push4site, you can increase the number of responses to 25%. Some customers note an increase of even 40%.
- The increase in click-through rates is higher than e-mail has. Significant viewing depth of Push-notifications are concise, their content is straightforward. This increases the view ratio. On average, the number of referrals varies between 20% and 25% (10 times more than via E-mail). Write messages that prompt the user to act. They should not just inform, they must encourage your audience to visit the page.
- Personalized notifications - revenue growth. Push notifications are clickable, and you can easily redirect the user to any page of your site or to any link outside of it, based on the user's interests or actions. Delivery of personalized offers that take into account the activity of the user on the site is a great way to encourage the user to visit the site again.
Increase the conversion in the subscription by 10% -15% and get personal data - it's easy!
Offer a gift to your client for agreeing to receive personalized notifications from your restaurant. The function of "welcome messages" will allow sending the messages in automatic mode.

By clicking, the user will be directed to the registration form for receiving a compliment, and after filling in he will receive a coupon for a gift on the mailbox!
You can always read more information about browser push notifications on our website or contact our managers.